Monday, June 21, 2010

Mortified, but not Surprised

I have not visited with Rachel since the incident of the last post. I have tried to call her to tell her I love her, and she has responded with comments such as if I dare to send her case manager there to talk with her, she is going to sneak into the kitchen, steal a big sharp knife and slit her throat. Lovely, eh?

We had a team meeting this past Wednesday, where the therapists in charge were saying that she'd been doing SO much better for an entire week, that they wanted to make a discharge plan, with the anticipated date of discharge of September 2nd. All three of us parents cancelled everything we were doing for the day, work, doctors, etc, and brought as many support people as we could to be there for us to make it clear that this child was under NO circumstances coming to either of our homes at any time in the near future.

They once again threatened foster care, and we all said if that was what had to happen, then they better take into account seriously that she could "accidentally" actually kill herself, if she takes her threats a step farther- they don't actually believe she wants to kill herself. And that she may "accidentally" get herself picked up on the streets by the wrong person, as she continues to push farther and farther her running away, and is eventually going to get off the grounds of the hospital, or if in a foster home, just walking out the door would put her in danger, because she has NO sense of vulnerability. She still insists she has super powers and that no one can hurt her.

So to last night... We got a call from the hospital that she had sexually and physically assaulted multiple staff members. So she's upped the anty. She's gone from me, to the staff, and what's the next step... obviously the children. I told them they were absolutely not to leave her alone for a second, she was to have someone on top of her at any moment because she was DANGEROUS. I don't think thety get it. Well, I'd say the staff members who were assaulted last night obviously get it now.

I called the social worker in charge of transitioning her from placement to placement, working with Medicaid and the various institutions and told her what had happened, and that she had to take this into account and please support me in denying her transfer to a foster home, as that would seriously endanger any children she was to come into contact with. She agreed with me absolutely and said she'd be calling the hospital today.

I would seriously appreciate any comments from anyone out there who might be following the story of my child. I could use all the support I can get.

Thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah!! I can not even imagine what you are going through. You have never given up on her, and you have done everything and beyond given the circumstances. I hope something good happens for you soon. I hope the case worker stands by you, as she is a threat to other children, and not only will others be in danger but herself as well. I can not believe the hospital really thinks they can release her. I am so sorry you are going through all this. I wish I could do more for you. I will pray for you and her and all your family. Try to hang in there. Lots of hugs!!!
