Saturday, July 17, 2010

Support for Caregivers - Me; and Return to RTF

Dear SB and Cousin R,
I cannot tell you wht it means to me to have you in my corner. It means everything to me.

When a parent has a child like this, their friends drift away. When someone asks me how I am, I tell them, and who wants to hear about such things such as what Rachel and the mental health system are putting us through?

I NEED SUPPORT. Hearing your words lets me know SOMEONE is out there listening to me, boosting me, supporting me, and I need that more than anything.

I don't think most people understand that caregivers of these children need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to just LISTEN to. If you have no solutions or words of wisdom, it's okay, just reflect back our (my) feelings, and let us (me) know you're there, holding us (me) up.

I think that's one of the most difficult parts of this is feeling abandoned by so much of my community.

The two of you, in your comments, gave me so much strength, I've been able to stand up for myself and Rachel even more, and to spend more quality time with Joey, and demand more quality time with my husband Sam.

Joey has been doing well enough emotionally, that we're being downgraded from Mobile Therapy to Outpatient therapy, which worries me. I mean, I'm thrilled that Joey's doing so well, but his Mobile Therapist, who comes to our home for 2-3 hours per week, and supports Joey, and me for Joey, will no longer be there for us, the state is not allowing it. Now we'll have to go into a cold office and start all over with some new for one hour per week.

But how do we fight the system? I filed an appeal, but the system is set up so that the evaluating psychiatrist, who had never even met Joey, was the same psychiatrist to review the appeal! How is that objective??

So even less support available to us.

We are very blessed to have a congregation that does everything they can for us, but even a lot of the folks there have pulled away from us as Rachel has gotten less well.

Anyway, the less restrictive hospital agreed after much arguing to meet our demands, and they are slowly trying to wrap their heads around the fact that even though they don't agree ith what we, the parents, want, they have to at least try to comply with it. They're not complying fully, but at least we've got a start. There'a an outside social worker conference calling with our family therapy sessions, to guide them onn how to act more appropriately with us. I.e., we're no longer being blamed for having caused these problems in our child. Instead we're focusing on how to make our relationship better with her now, which has not yet been done in over two years.

Also, the in depth testing is being done, finally, which should show them once and for all that they are dealing with a child who has a deep seated mental illness, and not simply behavioral issues from bad parenting. Why is the Mother always blamed for everything???? The testers have already said off the record that see signs of psyhotic tendencies and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Hey, Mommy knows what she's talking about! Imagine that.

I'm feeling so much more at peace now. Like finally someone's listening to me. I don't know if my child will ever return home, but at least a step os being taken to determine wht we're dealing with, so they can adjust the treatment goals and medications accordingly.



  1. Happy to hear you in better spirits. I can kind of relate, though not on the extreme as your case, on fighting with the system, it has been 5 years and I am still trying to get dd evaluated for Aspergers. I read a book yesterday for Girls with As and now I am 90% sure that she has it, I am not crazy, and I need to keep fighting and fight harder.

    You are a great Mom, and to take all this on, is a lot for anyone. You have handled it better than anyone else could have. I do not know how you stay so strong.

    Our church, has been a huge help to us and gave us some good news today. Plus I got other good news today, so I am hoping to pass that good news train on to you, and hoping you will be recieving good news soon in your life too.

    Stay strong, know I am here, feel free to email me, let me know if you need anything. Happy to do what we can to help.

    Hang in there!!!

  2. BTW my SB is now sportmom, I have two logins by mistake !!

  3. Why did you say you have a "congregation" that does everything? Is that "new system" language, f you know what i mean? I have a congregation. a "Rachel" I'm trying to return to the RTF, and the "new system is the only solid hope I have. For now, as of 2 am, I refused to bring her home, even when the CPS worker showed up at my house. I am doing everything I can to work with our caseworker to get her a permanent placement for her sake and mine.

    Tired Gramma

  4. My religious community and clergy are trying to be supportive of me and my child. It's very difficult for them. It's so much work and they just don't understand. Hold your head up high, and continue to tell them what you need- a long term plaecment for your Rachel. And continue to refuse to bring her home id she needs that much more help than you can give her. It has been four years, and myu child is still in placement. Sociopathy simply does not go away. We started at a new placement a year ago, at puberty, which seems to help more with structure and fairness, and we visit every other weekend for a few hours- I can only handle so much, and that's as much as my teenager can handle too. Hold strinng and know there are so many others out here with you.

  5. I have been living with a sociopath for 17 years! First my sons father that I escaped withinin a year. BUT For the last 9 or so years our son has tormented me! I have called the domestic abuse hotlines, police, etc. but because he is my son No ONE WILL HELP ME.

    Please anyone, help me. Please I pray for Anyone to help me, please help me.please !

  6. How old is your Son Savvy? I was married for 17 years to my ex narcissist too, I know how that goes. Now struggling with a narcissist daughter who is now 29. It isn't easy, but if you can, just walk away... I did yesterday
